Thursday, June 26, 2008


I feel bad I haven´t been here in so long but I´m doing fine, just don´t have the internet yet. My patience is growing stronger by the minute, let me tell you! I sure do miss getting on every day just to say hi and read my emails.

Everything is going well here. It´s cold and rainy here right now so we´re all wrapped up in every bit of clothing we have, sleep with about 4 blankets, 2 pairs of socks, the works! Did I say it´s cold?? Don´t worry, pretty soon I´ll be complaing about the heat! ha!

The ministry is going very well. I´m still holding two Bible studies on Tuesday nights. They are going well. One of the ladies, Gloria, is so close to being saved but has seen some hypocritcal christians in her time and this is keeping her from accepting the Lord. I finally told her that she needs to stop using this as an excuse and just get saved! I sure pray it´s soon!

Ok, that´s about it for now. I´ll "see" you all soon!